Saturday, December 1, 2012

Free Yourself

To transcend limitations and step into a path of authentic soulful freedom you have to release patterns of thought, feeling and acting that bind you to a painful past.  Whenever we have experienced betrayal, disappointments and hurt our thoughts and emotions about these situations will either continue to create suffering or open us to untapped gifts within our soul.  How you approach these scenarios of life determines whether you are exiled from your true self or open to your soul’s highest potentials.  You hold the key.
Radical acceptance, compassion and forgiveness toward whatever has arrived in your life will shift you from the cords that tether you to the unhealed energy of a past that truly came to liberate you.   Imagine if you shifted from reacting to whatever has happened – no matter how horrifying the trauma may be - into a state of complete compassionate acceptance that it has arrived to open you to a potential soul power designed to uplift and empower you! 
When we react toward situations with resentment, resistance or avoidance, this energy locks us into a cycle of suffering.  Whatever exists within us will create for us, whether or not we actively participate in that process.  Our unconscious inner world will be revealed to us in our outer world without exception.  We may judge whatever painful scenario shows up as bad luck or karma; or a fate to which we are bound.  But it is this very perception that separates you from your soul’s true creative power, joy and love.  It ties you to the traumas of life rather than the essence seeking to heal and evolve beyond such suffering.
Free yourself today.  Make a decision to liberate yourself from the toxic perceptions, beliefs and patterns that keep you exiled from your soulful heart.  Choose to see that there is a gift within each circumstance you have experienced or ever will encounter.  These gifts can only be unwrapped when you accept boldly what is; compassionately tend to whatever shows up in response and then open to the power within your soul that is seeking to be unleashed. 
Radical acceptance is not an act of acquiescing to suffering.  It is a bold commitment to presence that allows you to respond to life from a divine perception.  Your soulful witnessing of any circumstance allows the highest divine gifts of every moment to be realized.  

Practices that heal
1.     Write a letter expressing all the pain, grief and resentments you’ve been holding onto.  Don’t judge what you write or feel. 
2.     Sit mindfully, breathe deeply into your body and elongate your exhale.  Do this several times and then call light to yourself.  Allow this light to radiate into every cell of your being.
3.     Call in your higher self.  Feel into the essence of you, as a soul with no ego.  Simply allow this higher self to come into your awareness.  Set the intention “I am seeing all that I have written and/or experienced through my highest self now”
4.     State: I am willing to be free from all suffering associated with these circumstances. 
5.     Remember and state: I am never set up to fail.  I am always set up to thrive and discover my truest essence and creative loving power. 
6.     Ask compassionately: what is my soul seeking to express, discover or learn through this scenario?  I am willing to appreciate this situation through my highest self now?
7.     Ask compassionately: by holding onto a perception of this situation; a resentment or judgment of what has happened, how does this tie me to that person and/or experience?  What is the benefit of holding onto this perception?  What do I perceive losing if I let go of this perception and see this through my higher soul now?
8.     Ask compassionately: am I willing to release my perceptions of this situation and open to a higher perspective?  Notice what you feel, think without judging it.  If the answer is no, don’t judge this.  Compassionately tend to what shows up for you.
9.     Breathe deeply.  Am I willing to forgive all concerned here?  Am I willing to forgive myself for this experience? Am I willing to at least compassionately accept what is?  Don’t judge your responses.

10. Remember: when you are willing to experience the soul purpose for this situation, discover the healing and power it is seeking to bring through you, then it will stop repeating itself in your outer world.  And you will then tap into the innate power that is yours to experience and creatively express in this life.  You will retrieve your soul’s essence through this course of action. 
Accept what is.  See it and all concerned through compassion.  Remember; whatever shows up has a gift for you at the soul level. Choose to receive the soul gift within the situation – no matter how severe the circumstances may be.  Align with your higher self.  Discover and allow gifts to be felt and expressed into your life. Retrieve your soul power and live your life in ever increasing freedom, love and joy. 

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