Friday, December 7, 2012

A Time of Great Change: Walking the Path of Miracles

We are at a time of great change upon the earth within human consciousness as we now know it.  The highest vibrational frequencies of love and light are more easily accessible to human consciousness now.  These waves of light are moving through all of us and changing us from within.  This shift has been occurring over time and has accelerated over the past two decades picking up a momentum so that more of human consciousness is aligned with higher frequencies than ever before on the planet earth.  This shift is at times referred to the alignment of the 4th and 5th dimensions and thinning of the veils.  These dimensions have been accessible to human consciousness from its inception but are now easily accessed by the masses.  This means most humans will experience an uplift in vibrational energies that will include increased sensitivities to subtle energies including: 
  • awareness of psychic phenomenon; 
  • expansion of benevolent feelings;
  • energy moving through the body like heart opening;
  • a more power pull to fulfill one’s soul purpose; 
  • a deeper need for fulfilling relationships;
  • change in eating habits;
  • a completion of relationships that do not match soul intentions.   
  • Dreams may be more vivid and direct; 
  • telepathic experiences will increase;
  • emotional sensitiveness may heighten or transmute readily; 
  • feeling ungrounded, unsteady or shaky as energies accelerate;
  • creativity may expand; 
  • ideas will broaden; 
  • paradigms will shift.  
  •  Many will sense or see spirit with great facility. 
  • and more...

This is all by divine design.  All beings existing on the earth at this time, chose to be part of this uplift in consciousness. You are one of those!

You are part of an awakening.  This can be translated into many forms of understanding.  The veil is thinning, duality and the middle world is collapsing.  Another way of stating this is that humanity is shifting from being an ego-driven species into a heart centered species.  The heart is the higher gateway to experiencing connectivity with Source, Spirit and one another.  The heart's language is intuition and compassion. The heart and the crown are aligning into a channel of knowing allowing for greater intuitive experiences for all people.  This gives more people access to deeper meaning, fulfillment and connection to all life beyond the material world alone. 

How does one adjust to these frequency changes? 

1)      Accept that it is here.  It is happening and your acknowledgement of this will allow it to happen with greater ease.  These vibrational changes do not require your belief in them to manifest.  These energies are being stepped down into the human experience to bring increased rates of joyful creations through love into the human experience. Breathe into this shift; it’s by divine design and therefore meant only to serve your highest good. 

2)      Attune to the higher energies through deliberate practices that ease your way.  Meditation, chanting; mindfulness exercises, creative visualization and prayer will support you.  Yoga; Tai Chi; Qi Gong; Conscious Dance, massage and physical exercises that uplift you, will also help.  Creative expressions (drawing, painting, singing, cooking, etc); writing; collages are means for supporting these changes. 

3)      Listen to your intuition.  Pay attention to what your heart and soul are telling you.  Listen carefully to the whispers from spirit and within your being that are urging you to make changes and take action.  These messages are guiding you into a new experience that is here to uplift, empower and enrich your life.  

4)      Let go.  Your soul is eager to lead the way but your mind or ego may resist change. Imagine taking in a deep breath and holding it for a long, long time.  How does that feel?  You are used to letting go all the time.  But your mind likes to perceive letting go as something to fear.  It is natural to breathe in and out of the changes that soul seeks to experience.  During this time of change, you will be urged to release everything you have created from your ego.  This is not a bad thing but the ego likes to cling to status quo by design.  The longer you hang on to what no longer fits your soul’s truth, the more you will suffer - like holding your breath.  If you move with your soul’s need to shift, these changes will happen naturally.  What you resist will bring about more dramatic experiences of change.  So ease into it.  Begin by clearing clutter from your home.  Make lists of what you have and don’t want in your emotional, mental, and spiritual life and then write down what you do want.  Let go of what no longer serves you because it is leading you into that which will!

5)      Trust.  You are always supported in living the highest, most fulfilling life possible.  This is a divine truth.  You are never set up to fail or suffer.  Your ego never understands these truths. Resistance to change or holding onto the ideas of yourself and life that limit you will cause you great emotional pain.  This is a time of knowing that divinity is seeking to expand through your willingness to allow it.  By doing so, you are being supported in realizing your greatest potential within this lifetime. 

6)      Access Divine Help!  The support for you is real.  That includes divine helpers and loved ones in spirit who are truly motivated to uplift you into a path of soulful living.  Soul living is an intuitive experience that transcends your mind’s ideas for you and your life.   Angels, spirit guides and loved ones are seeing the bigger picture of your life and working to assist you in making choices that will bless you and all concerned.  

7)      Love not fear.  Fear is the dominion of the ego.  It is its stronghold.  Fear dictates all choices from the ego and motivates individuals into feeling small, trapped, isolated, broke, depressed, anxious, separated from Source, spirit and one’s own divinity.  Love is the essence of the soul.  It is the frequency that bridges you to Source, Spirit, innate divinity and the whole of existence.  Love is not a sentimental energy of preferences and conditions.  Divine love is an energy that surpasses romantic notions and brings forth unconditional compassion and positive regard for all life.  It is non-judgmental; allowing one to be present to whatever is.  It opens you to creative potential in any given moment.  It is accessed through aligning heart with the higher mind and seeing life through “divine eyes”.  It is an energy that heals, empowers, uplifts, inspires and transmutes whatever is present.  It is the vibrational currency of the new dimensions in which we are finding ourselves and the gateway for miracles to manifest. Love is accessed through conscious presence. 

8)      Discover nature.  Take time to be outdoors in nature as much as possible.  When you step into the fold of nature, your energy field expands into its natural state.  The energy field within and surrounding your body collapses when you work indoors and under fluorescent lighting.  It shrinks or tightens when you are aligned with your ego.  Your energy field needs to breathe and rejuvenate.  Being around trees, breathing in fresh air, experiencing direct sunlight, noticing the beauty of your surroundings will clear and help your energy elevate more easily.  Get outdoors and absorb the Prana – life force – that is ever present. 

9)      Have fun.  This is happening.  You are shifting into a multisensory being.  You’ve always been that but all humanity is awakening to this reality.  Enjoy the process.   Notice what you are experiencing and witness this shift with the curiosity and awe of innocence.  Your children may see spirits; hear divine messages; experience increased sensitivities; have past life recall – listen to what they are telling you and discover their innate abilities with them.  You and they were born for this.    

The world is not coming to an end.  But the ego is seeking to be released as the dominant force of human consciousness.  Soul is moving into the driver’s seat.  Its language is intuition.  Its frequency is love.  Its pathway is blissful creation.  And when you acknowledge this is happening; attune, align and allow these higher frequencies into your daily life – you will walk the path of miracles. 

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